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Winter Vacation House Prep Tips

Winter vacation prep

And away we go. Whether it’s over the hills and through the woods to grandmother’s house or an extended trip to get away from old man winter, don’t forget to prepare the house for your absence. What we’re talking about here is a chance to save energy in winter while you’re away from home, saving a significant amount of money in the process.

Here are some vacation energy saving tips from your favorite heating and air conditioning company in Aspen and the entire Western Slope, Climate Control Company:

  • Turn the heat down – This is easier than ever since many homes now have a Wi-Fi enabled programmable thermostat. For an empty house in the winter you probably don’t want to set the temperature any lower than 55 degrees to avoid damaging appliances or risking frozen pipes. Of course the neat thing about a Wi-Fi thermostat is you can turn the heat up before you come home instead of a walking into a cold house.
  • Water heater – Many people don’t think about this, but there’s no sense in keeping dozens of gallons of water hot if the house is going to be empty for weeks. Turn the water heater thermostat to its lowest setting before you leave.
  • Refrigerator – Can you say “Oink Oink”? Yes, your refrigerator is a real energy hog. If you’re going to be gone for days, not weeks, turn the fridge up to about 42℉ and the freezer to 5℉. This will preserve refrigerated and frozen foods, but will save some energy. If you’re going to Arizona for 3 months your best bet is to empty the refrigerator and turn it off. Put a box of baking soda in the fridge and freezer to absorb moisture and prevent mold and mildew.
  • Lights – Everyone knows about leaving some lights on so your house doesn’t look vacant while you’re gone, but there is absolutely no reason why they have to be on day and night. Automatic timers are cheap and easy to use. Have the lights come on at night and shut off during the day. Timers also allow you to have different lights come on at different times to make the home look lived-in.
  • Appliances & electronics – There are a lot of energy vampires in your home. They can still use electricity even when they’re not actually turned on. The best bet is to unplug all non-essential devices and appliances before you leave.

As THE HVAC contractor for Vail, Climate Control Company has one more important suggestion. Before leaving home for an extended period of time, make sure to have your heating system inspected and/or tuned up. The worst-case scenario would be a breakdown in a vacant  house. While you’re busy soaking up the sun someplace warm, a Colorado cold snap could quickly freeze the water pipes in your home if the heat stops working.

Vacations can cost a lot of money, but while you’re having fun these tips can save you money by drastically decreasing your electric bills while you’re out of the house. It will make the homecoming all that much sweeter. Like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more great information.