Here’s to hoping everyone has a really enjoyable 4th of July. Climate Control Company believes the holiday holds special significance when you live in the mountains; our summers are short. While there is much more warm weather to come, we know it won’t be long before we start seeing the seasons change.
If you haven’t done it already, now is the time to call Climate Control and schedule your air conditioning service and tune-up. The last thing you want to do is spend our all-too-short summer sweltering in a hot house because your AC is not cooling.
If you are having AC problems take a moment to check out this troubleshooting video. It’s possible you might be able to save yourself a service call if you can fix the problem yourself.
If you’ve watched the video and are still having trouble, it’s time to call in our expert technicians for an air conditioner repair. As you saw in the video, they will start with a comprehensive leak check on your air conditioner.
Only a trained Climate Control technician has the knowledge and equipment to test for a refrigerant leak. If the level is low, they will examine every part of your system. Something as simple as a soldered connection with corrosion can cause the problem.
You need to know, our experience is that a refrigerant leak is often a sign of more serious problems. It might make more sense to discuss air conditioner replacement rather than a R-22 refrigerant leak repair. It’s especially true if you have an older unit using R-22 refrigerantTM refrigerant, which is being phased out because of environmental concerns. The rapidly rising cost of R-22 makes repairs even more expensive.
During the summer, your air conditioner is removing humidity from the air. When the moisture condenses into water, it has to be drained away. Sometimes your AC will start leaking water when the condensate doesn’t drain properly. The water can quickly cause significant damage if the leak goes undetected. Here are some suggestions to make sure it doesn’t happen to you:
- Inspect the system regularly for any condensate leaks
- Once a month pour a mixture of 1 cup bleach and 3 cups water into the condensate pipe
- Have Climate Control install a water sensor in the condensate drain pan (shuts system down if water is present)
If your cooling problem doesn’t seem to be related to the AC, another type of leak check may be in order. Leaky ducts can cut your central air conditioner’s efficiency by 30% or more. Some of the solutions your Climate Control technician may suggest:
- Using metal tape or spray sealant
- Make sure air is flowing to to all rooms
- Add insulation to protect ductwork in attics, crawlspaces, and some basements
Here’s hoping you have a safe Independence Day as we celebrate the 241st birthday of our great nation. Climate Control Company has been serving your heating and air conditioning needs in Aspen, Vail, and the entire Western Slope since 1956.